Henry Sims Wants a Theme Song

By Johnny

Henry at Media Day

At the Preseason Media Day today, Henry Sims was sporting his new #14, and he gave us a brief explanation for his number change:

I’ve been in the 30s my whole life. I just decided to change it up a little bit. It’s my father’s birthday. That’s really the only reason. Just to mix it up a little bit.

He also told us what he remembered about the first Midnight Madness he attended.

The only thing I remember is Roy coming out to his own song. I want my own song so bad.

So Henry wants a theme song. Any ideas?


  1. anonymous Says:

    stronger by kanye west

  2. Anonymous Says:

    “sugar daddy” by Jackson 5. Bridge mentions “oh Henry”

  3. Hoyasincebirth Says:

    So he want’s his own Roy Roy Roy Roy song. Someone call Nodak.

  4. Zo Says:

    Remember that song by Arrested Development…People Everyday?

    I am Henry Simms People.

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