VCU Postgame Press Conference

By Johnny

The 2010-11 Georgetown season is over, as the Hoyas fell 56-74 to VCU in the 2nd round of the NCAA Tournament.

In a very somber press conference, here’s what Coach Thompson, seniors Austin Freeman and Chris Wright, and leading scorer Hollis Thompson said to the press about their last game of the season:

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    JT 3 iis not his father his father was a coach not someone who is only coaching at Gtown like JT 3 because who his dad is JT 3 is soft and he makes his players like him get a real coach not this fake ass Ivy person

  2. lichoya Says:

    sad if you had guts youd not be anonymous they are 18-22 year old student athletes who will graduate its only a game go hoyas

  3. lichoya Says:

    very emotional and honest and classy interviews for very difficult and emotional questions CLASS proud of that too

  4. tiny Says:

    I love the hoyas but they need to recruit a better quality player especially big men. The centers gave the hoyas nothing. An end to a very disappointing season.

  5. Fletch Says:

    It’s not the recruits its the system. The princeton offense will never go to far because its so predictable and if you are running it there is no changing it up. JTIII has to find a better way to use his talent. He does not adjustments on offense or defense after half and we were down 11. What quality coach does not adjust after the half while u losing and you are not geeting stops. Just look at the game switching had CW guarding center on many ocassions that was terrible but its the kids fault. You have to either be good on offense or defense. Gtown had no identity this yr and that was because of coaching.

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