2011-12 Schedule and Calendar Now Available
By Hoya HoopsWith the first game of the 2011-12 season just ten days away, it’s time for us to present you with the HoyaHoops.com Google Calendar with all of the info you need to keep track of the Hoyas’ upcoming season.
All the game dates, times, locations, and TV information are in there, and once the radio schedule is finalized, we’ll put that in there as well.
And as always, we’ll be updating the calendar throughout the season keeping track of the results and sharing links to recaps, box scores, and analysis.
The calendar is available at http://hoyahoops.com/calendar/, and a how-to describing downloading / syncing with your own calendar application can be found here.
And if you want a printable schedule, just head to
http://hoyahoops.com/schedule/ to see the schedule in a table.