The Sin Stripe

By Hoya Hoops

Last game, we asked who would be the leading scorer and with how many points. The real leading scorer was Hibbert with 14 points. Again, everyone overshot the correct answer, leaving us the closest once again with our guess of Hibbert with 17. I guess that is why we are the professionals. See if you guys can beat us this time.

The Hoyas did not do so well from the free throw line in the past two games. And our opponent on Saturday is Fairfield University, one of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the US. So our question for this game, in the spirit of Jesuit brotherhood, is about fouls.

What will the Hoyas’ free throw percentage be and how many total free throws will the Boys in Gray shoot?

We have a suspicion that the Hoyas have been working a lot on that department, so we are gonna say the Hoyas will shoot 88% with 17 shots. (That’s 15 for 17 from the line).

Your guess? Post it.


  1. Zo Says:

    How about right around 78%. I don’t know the numbers, so I’ll just say shooting around 14 free throws.

  2. DJ Says:

    80%, 16 attempts. let’s get a win on saturday!

  3. Sam Says:

    i’m not too optimistic about a quick improvement. 70%, on 17 fts

  4. Emily Says:

    I will say 83% on 18 attempts.

  5. E Says:

    Hibbert goes 7-8, Hoyas shoot 93% on 15 shots. Hoya saxa!

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