Exam Day 3: Mathematics
By Hoya HoopsMATH-313 Statistics
This is a very straightforward exam, if you know all of the right numbers, you’ll pass with flying colors. You won’t even need a calculator.
1) Eric “Sleepy” Floyd is the Georgetown All-time leader for career points scored. How many did he score?
2) How many wins did John Thompson Jr. earn as head coach of the Hoyas?
3) Jim Barry holds the record for most points scored in a single game. How many did he score?
4) What is the highest point total Allen Iverson scored in a single game while at Georgetown?
5) In a single game, what is the highest point total the Georgetown Hoyas have ever scored?
Remember, you can only get that Tombs gift certificate if you email your responses to us at .
And don’t forget to take the History and Geography exams if you haven’t yet.