Exam Week

By Hoya Hoops

Georgetown University is having exams this week, and because of that, we at Hoya Hoops thought it would be a good time to put our readers’ knowledge of Georgetown Basketball to the test.

This week we will be putting out five different exams covering varying topics ranging from important dates to classic Hoya tandems. Each exam will have five questions, and as the week goes on, the questions may become more difficult.

Email your responses to us at , and the person with the best scores at the end of the week will receive a $25 Gift Certificate to the Tombs.

Happy studying!

Exam Day 1 | Exam Day 2 | Exam Day 3 | Exam Day 4 | Exam Day 5


  1. Hoya Gray Says:

    Alright, that sounds pretty cool. Who doesn’t love the Tombs?

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