Game Time

By Hoya Hoops

We at Hoya Hoops didn’t feel up to watching the tournament games yesterday, so we played Scrabble instead. That made us think of this question:

What is an appropriate board game to play with this group of Hoya seniors?

We think we would like to play Jenga, since you need a steady hand and the ability to stay cool under pressure. What game would you play? Let us know in the comments.


  1. Hoya Gray Says:

    Battleship. Wallace could be the submarine, Hibbert the Battleship, and Pat and Tyler could be whatever the medium sized ships were called.

  2. Zo Says:

    I’d like to play “The Game of LIFE” with Big Roy. That would be the only possible way that I could have a bigger salary than him.

  3. Paul H. Says:

    Clearly Back to the Future, the board game (

    I’m sure everyone can guess why…

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