By Hoya Hoops
- On Friday, Patrick Ewing, Jr.was traded from the Houston Rockets to the New York Knicks for French international Frederic Weis. Patrick is the 16th man under contract with the Knicks, and with only 15 players per team, Pat will have to earn his spot on the roster. If he does make the team, though, big Pat has said that the Knicks should take #33 down from the rafters.
- Today is Coach John Thompson, Jr.’s birthday. Let’ see what happens if Smokin’ Al Koken forgets to wish him a Happy Birthday on his show this afternoon.
- Patrick Ewing will be inducted into the Hall of Fame this Thursday, and in honor of his accomplishment, we at Hoya Hoops will be paying tribute to Big Pat throughout the week. Be sure to check out what we have to offer.
Topics: Birthday, John Thompson Jr., Patrick Ewing, Patrick Ewing, Jr., Weekend Report
September 2nd, 2008, 9:21 am