Happy Hoyaween

By Johnny

Jack O'LanternHalloween’s tomorrow, so for any Georgetown fan who isn’t 100% ready, here are some last minute preparations to make this year’s Halloween rock.

The three essentials to any good Halloween are of course your costume, your pumpkin, and your candy.

We haven’t got much time until Hoyaween, so let’s get cracking.


Dancing ZombiesHoya fans in need of a last minute costume should think about going as a zombie from Thriller. Yeah, it’s an homage to the team’s routine from Midnight Madness, but it’s also good for another reason – the image of a grooving zombie is the perfect symbol for this year’s basketball team. Why?

Wait for it.

Because after last season, the Hoyas are going to come back from the dead and be dancing in March.
Don’t have enough time to put together a convincing Zombie costume? I got another idea – go as Michael Jackson. No, no. Not that Michael Jackson. (As a general rule, I don’t think it’s good policy to dress up as someone who’s died in the past six months).

No, I mean the Michael Jackson who graduated from Georgetown in 1986 and was honored last year during the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the 1984 National Championship Team. Hard to believe, it’s kind of difficult to find a picture of him online due to his name, so I’ll describe him for you. He was a skinny guy, wore short shorts, had a mustache, and wore number 30. No no, not Ed Sheffey. I said short shorts, remember?

Maybe you should just bag it and go as Miley Cyrus. Or Bonni.


Once you got your costume planned out, it’s time to decorate your pumpkin.

Blue and Gray PumpkinsNow I know there are some of you out there who believe that you should never have anything orange in or around your house. Simply out of principle.

That’s okay. There’s still a way to pumpkin up your holiday. You probably already have your face paint ready for the season, so just go ahead and throw some of that on your pumpkin. See? Festive and Hoya-friendly.

But for most of you, you probably don’t mind a little bit of the bad guys’ color if it’s done right.

Jack O'LanternI already put this picture at the top, but I’m proud of my carving skills, so I had to post it again.

Now get out your carving knives and cut out the design pictured here to turn your pumpkin into a Georgetown icon.

There’s a reason why they call them Jack O’Lanterns.

Oh, and there’s one more thing all Georgetown fans should do with their pumpkins – leave them outside until they rot.

You see, there’s nothing that reminds you of the importance of a good college education than a deflated pumpkin. Don’t let the sum total of your existence be 8-10 pounds of gross pumpkin innards.
Rotten Pumpkin


And the last thing you need to do before Halloween is to stock up on candy for the Trick or Treaters. And you’ve got to make sure you have a good selection because the last thing you would want is a disgruntled dancing zombie.

To appease the Georgetown fan in everyone, I think we should buy candy in honor of the three sophomores on the team this year – Jason Clark, Henry Sims, and Greg Monroe.

Candy SophomoresSo go out and get as many Clark Bars and Oh Henry!s as you can find.

And for Greg? There are a bunch of options. You could get Smarties because he chose to stay in school. 100 Grand for what he’s worth to the team. Or maybe Turkish Delight for those of you who are confused about his nationality. But I’m going with M&Ms because of the simple monogrammed ‘m’ on them.

Or you could just simplify things and get a whole bunch of 3 Musketeers for all of them, or forget the whole thing and get some Rhese’s Pieces in honor of our favorite Gibson.

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